
Sunday, June 17, 2007


This is a true story of an individual whose career is investing. This individual has earned an amount exceeding Rs 10 crore from the stock market in just the last one month! Check out his mindset and lifestyle…

Lancy, FinanceInsights

Jack (name changed) is a seasoned investor. He has been tracking the markets for the last 17 years. Jack's work day starts at 10 am, when the markets open for trading and ends when the markets close for the day. Before heading home, he meets up with a group of his investor community friends to discuss the market happenings of the day and share market gossip and information.
Jack lives in a middle class suburban locality and owns a modest two-bedroom house. Take a guess on his networth. You may assess it to be in the range of Rs 50 lakh to Rs 1 crore, is that correct? You are way off the market.He has a networth exceeding Rs 50 crore. Of this, he has booked profits on his futures and options trading positions of Rs 10 crore in the last month itself! On hearing this, the first thought that would come to your mind is… oh, he got lucky since he is riding on the daily lifetime market highs. You are wrong again.
He started out his career as a stock market investor with a modest capital of Rs 5,000. In his 17 years of being a stock market investor, Shailesh has gone bankrupt 5 times. And each time, he has bounced back admirably. You may now believe that Shailesh gambles on the stock exchange. Wrong! Jack tracks companies’ performances, reads balance sheets and most importantly, gets in touch with personnel of companies he is interested in before making his investment decisions. If you are a stock market investor, you may now wonder that how has Jackbuilt up such a significant amount of wealth and you haven’t been able to do the same. Jack has one personal trait that, in all likelihood, you and I are missing – the courage to take large bets. Don’t misunderstand that Jack is ‘betting’. Jack is ‘investing’ but differently. When Jack studies companies and is convinced about the prospects of a specific company, he invests meaningful amounts in the company’s scrip. Often, the amount invested exceeds 90 per cent of his networth. In certain situations when Jack is extremely confident about his assessment of the company, he leverages his networth by more than 5 times (for instance, if he invests Rs 5 crore of his own funds in the scrip, he borrows Rs 25 crore and increases his exposure to the scrip).
Once Jack has invested, he tracks the scrip with a hawk eye. He is continuously checking the stock price movements and the company’s business activity for any signs of trouble. He is also checking for signs of when to exit. And when Shailesh does exit, his wealth has usually grown by a seriously high amount. However, Jack continues living is his modest two-bedroom suburban flat and travels by second class railway.

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